Multi Level Parking

Multi Level Parking system-Green Energy

Appreciate the authorities acquired private land and old properties to use for public car parking recently. It would  be helpful if the acquired land and old properties to implement multi-level car parking facility in congested places like Hoora, Manama, and Gudaibiya.
In my opinion renewable energy especially solar energy and wind power also be used to introduce multi-level car parking system which would support green energy project. If successful the green energy project could be expanded across the places.

 I also suggest installing solar energy panels on car parking buildings and roof will be supportive and encourage for private sector investors to expand this service to promote green energy in large scale.
The use of public parking space should always be encouraged and by introducing this system would be useful for all.

I hope the concerned authorities will consider this suggestion to support and promote multi-level public parking system to attract more users to choose such places and reduce traffic in roads. 

Hope to see more multi-level parking system expansion with renewable energy soon.



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